
20 August 2013


Here's to my first post for this blog.

Today's a rainy day, the perfect weather to enjoy a nap and read a book while sipping a hot chocolate. I'd love to do the latter but I'd have to do it without a hot chocolate. Instead of reading a novel, I think I'll go study for my upcoming quizzes. I just hope I won't fall asleep while I'm at it, especially with this kind of weather.

Flood is everywhere and I can't go anywhere near a coffee shop. Even the convenience store below the building is closed because they're already out of stock. I'm thankful I at least decided to buy a few noodle packs and snacks last night or else I have nothing to eat for today. I also want to go out and enjoy my day with the company of my friends but seeing how the rain just keeps on pouring, that'll have to wait.

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