04 June 2024
Passing gas (pun intended)
29 April 2024
Proof of Life
Making an update because I suddenly remembered this blog when I shared to a friend that I used to do this to improve my English and help articulate my thoughts.
I also just realized I skipped a 2023 update! Damn, this girl's been busy.
So what's up? Life has been good, thankfully. A lot of ups and downs but more of the former.
Lately I've been more involved in sports. It's fun and keeps me active and feeling healthy.
Relationships? Err... I have new friends? Haha! Sports opened opportunites to meet people.
Career? I got promoted but this should have been a 2023 update. It's been over a year since I got the new role. How am I fairing? Kinda want to quit but it's all about the money $$$ so gotta hang in there.
Family? Oh! I have a niece now! And she's the cutest! A bit biased, I know. I am so spoiling that kid.
I'm honestly not so fond of sharing in social media for quite some time now. I guess this is a sign I'm getting old or maybe just valuing privacy. I don't really want others to know.
But life is good. I'm feeling content and that's what matters. :)
25 September 2022
Finding a new hobby
23 January 2022
22 January 2022
COVID symptoms
I think I just caught COVID. My throat started getting that scratchy feel a few days ago which eventually became a sore throat. Now I’m having dry coughs, a runny nose, chills, headache, and high temperature of 38.7 degrees. I still have my sense of smell and taste though. But I have a colleague who was positive in COVID and didn’t experience the loss of these senses so it’s still possible I caught the virus. Today our household had a RT-PCR test. Result will be given tonight and I hope it’s a negative. :(
20 January 2022
New year, new COVID
27 December 2021
Your highs and lows this month
Day 7 of 7-day blogging challenge.
This is it! Last blog post of the challenge. I can't say December has been a wonderful month despite the holiday season. I don't have enough motivation so it's mostly lows. Usually there's less work since it's the year-end but it's the opposite this time so I'm having a hard time completing my tasks. I think the only high for it is being able to keep up doing it. The lows are mostly work-related and the highs are mostly personal. I'm spending the holidays back home with my niece. She's just the most adorable baby ever and her laugh or giggle is music to my ears. She's definitely the highlight of this month. I also won a mini tournament so that's another. :)
06 December 2021
What are you proud of your personality
Day 6 of 7-day blogging challenge.
This is a tough one. Hmm... perhaps taking on challenges. Always pushing myself to do better. Being adventurous and seemingly unafraid. Lol.
03 December 2021
One time a random stranger helped you
Day 5 of 7-day blogging challenge.
This is something that happened back in 2015. I was in a MRT train and I didn't really eat anything before going out. I woke up late and I was meeting my friend to eat out so I thought I will just lose appetite if I take a bite so I skipped it.
The train was packed as usual and I had to stand. Suddenly I felt dizzy and it was the first time I felt I might just faint. It was a hot day and the crowded train made it worse. So there I was standing praying my body can still hold out 'til I get to my station. I was holding a hand rail and I made eye contact with a student (college I think) and I must have looked really pale for her to notice. I didn't say anything but she was really kind to stand up and offer her seat. I barely remember what she looked and I only got to give her an apologetic smile and a thank you response. The MRT in Manila is no joke and getting a seat rarely happens for me. She was a real life saver. Sitting helped me feel a lot better. She eventually had to go since it was her stop. I got off the train after a few more stops and went straight to a food stall to get myself a drink and something to munch on. I hope that girl is doing well in life and I pray for her success.
01 December 2021
Something you miss
Day 4 of 7-day blogging challenge.
Something I miss is my college days. If I was to choose the best school life, that will be it. I was considered a quiet kid at first impression back in primary until high school so college was really me breaking that. Perhaps what I should have done better then was to travel with friends. But my allowance then wasn't really something that can take travelling expenses. Lol. Oh! and yeah, I also miss travelling since COVID got us all stuck at home. Can't wait to be back exploring the world!
29 November 2021
Your morning routine
Continuing the 7-day blogging challenge. Better late than never! Lol.
Morning routine? Hmm.. Nothing out of the ordinaty. I wake up, complain about the alarm, snooze it, go back to bed, eventually really wake up, panic I might be late for work, take a bath and get ready for work, grab a cup of coffee, have breakfast. But usually I just skip coffee and breakfast because I know I'm about to be late. Haha! What's your morning routine?
27 November 2021
What's up?
Whenever I revisit my blog, it's usually me feeling hopeless, thinking about leaving my job, or just really bored. Currently it's a big check for all three. Lol.
I think I posted 2 years ago about a probability of studying abroad and that I'll make a decision a few years after. Well here's that decision. Not going. Haha! I realized I should focus on what I really want and start working on it now. Also, with the pandemic going on, it's difficult to travel, not to mention the cost. So why am I mentioning this and what's the connect with the first sentence of this blog post? To work on what I really want, I'll have to resign from my current job. I'm working at a really good company and it will be quite a sacrifice. And talking about my job, I'm starting to feel hopeless because almost all of my colleagues have been promoted so I'm feeling kind of left behind. Well I did get a promotion 2.5 years ago but considering the next level positions are taken and it's unlikely for anyone to leave, it will take a while to move up the ladder. I have the option to change department or leave the company. And to be honest, I'm more inclined to do the latter. I still have a few months to decide. Why a few months? I'm waiting for the bonus payout to enter my account first. Lol.
07 August 2021
Should I invest in Axie Infinity?
Cryptocurrencies have been popular nowadays and it's very tempting to join in especially with the latest Axie Infinity. I became aware of it when I saw Marvin Germo's (a well-known Filipino stock trader) post on Facebook.
I already downloaded the extensions like Ronin Wallet and Metamask. When I was about to buy Axie, I became hesitant after calculating the estimated cost. Imagine spending at least USD350 for an Axie. And you need 3 of it to play. Let's just say it'll cost a total of USD1,000. Then there's the gas fee which I think works like transaction fees that could range differently. My estimate cost if I'm going to start is maybe USD1,200. If I convert that to Philippine pesos, maybe around PhP60,000. And this is only the minimum, I think.
I haven't bought one since I'm still researching like how to cash in and cashout/withdraw the money, what kind of Axie I should buy, and how profitable it will be if I continue.
I know we're in a new age with crypto being introduced as a new way to invest. Well, the higher risk the risk, the higher the return. But I don't want to be stupid to just go with the crowd. Nevertheless, I see potential. But it will be quite the gamble so I'm still pondering. I thought about being a 'Scholar' but I have my day job so I won't have much time doing adventure to get SLP which means less earnings.
So I should buy the 3 Axies then have someone do the daily adventures on my behalf. I know a guy who can do it for me so that's resolved but it's really about the cost. I should decide soon because the Axie price just might go up so it will make it even more difficult for me to join in.
24 July 2021
Failed the Challenge
Okay this is sad. I completely forgot about the whole blogging challenge and remembered it while sitting under this rainy weather. It’s been a busy month. Well, months. With ‘s’. Preoccupied by a lot of things not just about work but with some personal stuff. I don’t think anyone’s reading this anyways, well, except for you Anne in case you drop by. Lol. Miss you! Going back, I don’t think anyone’s reading so meh. Maybe whenever I feel frustrated about just anything I will post it here. Or maybe share more about what’s happening with my life. Haha! I’ll update my stalkers out there. Lol stalkers? Say whut? Haha! Kbye.
16 March 2021
10 Facts about Me
Day 2 of 7-Day Blogging Challenge
1. I live in Manila, Philippines.
2. Always wanted to try skydiving. Bucket list!
3. My zodiac sign is Aquarius.
4. They say I eat a lot.
5. Nowadays I play Mobile Legends to pass time at home.
6. I like reading online novels. (Reference: Wuxiaworld hahaha!)
7. I'm also into anime and manga. Don't ask me what's my favorite. I can't decide!
8. I like listening to Maroon V and Imagine Dragons.
9. I don't like carrots.
10. I like going on a drive by myself or with friends while listening to good music.
Wow, this was quite difficult. Took me a while to think 10 things about myself. And the answers are boring! Gaaah. Good thing I changed it to 10. Originally the challenge list was 20 facts but I lowered it to 10 coz obviously, I don't have a lot to share. (>_<)
15 March 2021
Meaning Behind the Blog Name
Day 1 of 7-Day Blogging Challenge
My blog's name is Brave Soul which pretty much sums up what I want to be - someone courageous. I wanted to write about my adventures be it in travels, career, or anything personal so I thought it's a good fit for my blog. It took me a long time to think of this and I honestly forgot how it came about. I probably heard it somewhere and ding! Suddenly thought it will be good for my blog. Not much of a story there. Lol.
12 March 2021
7-day Blogging Challenge
10 March 2021
See. This blog of mine is becoming a once or twice a year thing. I was supposed to share more about my Bali trip last January 2020 but slipped my mind. 2020's been a crazy year with the COVID-19 happenings. It's funny how we thought it will be a few weeks of lockdown.
Thanks to the photos in my phone and seeing a tweet from a friend, I remembered this personal blog. Shout out to my avid reader, Anne! My only reader! Hahaha! Miss you! Hope you're safe and doing well!
This pandemic really got us. A lot of plans were ruined and now I just feel lost what to do. I was looking forward to 2020 since I had a lot of things planned for the year particularly for travel. But I am thankful I still have a job, a roof over my head, my family safe and healthy, us eating good food, and not worrying much. It really hit me hard how important it is for one to have multiple source of income. Regardless of the position in a company, we are at risk of losing our job so make sure to set aside an emergency fund and if possible, have side hustles.
Keep safe and hope y'all healthy!
21 March 2020
SOLO TRAVEL | Bali, Indonesia 2020 (1/4)

Look forward to Day 2! Will be making a new post for it. ☺
19 May 2019
Time out

Yay for an update! This is becoming a once or twice a year thing now. lol Just taking the time off from thinking about work. While I was out having breakfast, I thought about my days in the university and how I used to blog almost everyday. It was a time when writing became a passion for me. Nowadays I mostly write about finance-related for work. I have a degree in Finance but I'm not in the banking industry. But the work is still about finance. I was thinking of creating a blog about it but then again I don't think I can keep on updating it. My personal blog alone is updated few times a year. Don't think I can commit to creating another one. Most of the time after a long day in the office, I just want to lay down my bed, watch Netflix or HBO for Game of Thrones while munching cereals. lol Sometimes I do some studying to make it more productive. My parents have been suggesting I study abroad. But honestly, I'm torn about it. The timing is perfect considering my age and work experience. Maybe in a couple more years I will be ready to give a decision. But until then, let's see how it goes. I used to hate studying because I had to attend classes I wasn't interested in but had to take because it's part of the curriculum. But now I have the desire to learn more after realizing my shortcomings. I can be annoyingly competitive so after I came to understand my lack of knowledge, it pissed me off. But I'm still tied to work and nothing's certain in the coming years. After 2 years I will probably make an update about it in this blog. Look forward to it. lol
30 June 2018
Beginning of a new chapter

Ever had that mixed feeling where you're both nervous and excited for what's coming? Damn. I don't know what to think and feel anymore. It's the beginning of a new chapter and I'm restless. Although I am often confident with my decisions, my instinct's telling me to be more cautious.
29 June 2018
Fixing body clock

26 June 2018
One Last God: Kubera

One of my top most read is a webtoon called Kubera. Since I first read it in 2011, I've been regularly checking for new chapter updates. When I saw the rankings, I was surprised it's not even at the top 100. Maybe it's because I'm into fantasy and stories about gods and goddesses so I'm fixated on it. But seriously, I can't help but think it's underrated! The story line is interesting! It makes you question and be intrigued how the story will flow. It feels like Game of Thrones except the setting is different and the main character has been established from the very beginning. But the way it makes you curious and speculate on the possibilities is what keeps me on my toes reading and wanting more.
Maybe the low views which made it drop the rank is caused by the webtoon being licensed. Some sites stopped allowing online viewing but I looked it up and you can read the English translated chapters HERE. Gosh, I remember it only had around 20 chapters when I first discovered it. Now it's at chapter 345! I kind of want to meet the author haha! Ang random lang eh lol
25 June 2018

22 June 2018
MUST WATCH: Why Secretary Kim/ What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

22 March 2018
Do people still blog?
19 March 2018
Shop at Kigu Craze for Animal Onesies!

I wanted one so bad I checked if there are any stores selling in the Philippines. I was glad there are online shops offering, but it was a bit expensive. I still bought one though. You can check the Facebook shop, Kigu Craze because they sell these at a cheaper price than most shops I found. You can find their products at AKITA shop Ground floor of Trinoma and also at Style Metro Espana beside Amor Cafe, or order online. Just message them on Facebook.
26 February 2017
Wishing for safe and happy travels
The first quarter of 2016 was the most fun as I got to experience travelling to a foreign country (Hongkong) with a group of close friends. It's my second time travelling outside and it was indeed a memorable journey. I was ecstatic and nervous at first since I'm not familiar with what to do and where to go once you enter the airport. Had I not been with my friends, I would have been fumbling around and looking lost.

As for 2017, I am set to travel to local destinations and a trip to Japan with my family while a solo flight to Thailand. I'm a little nervous about the Thailand trip since I will be going alone. A friend of mine will be accompanying me but we have a different flight schedule. I don't want to embarrass myself in the airport so I need to make sure I remember the details.
I want to visit more places in the future, and hopefully have the time and money to do so. More seat sales please!
23 September 2016
2016 Korean Drama Watch list

Speaking of webtoons, there's W. Yes the title is just the letter, W. It's unique and interesting because a person becomes warped in a comic. For a drama, that'll be difficult to pull off. But I skipped this for a while after watching around five or six episodes. Saving it for later, I guess? There's also Cinderella and the Four Knights. It's somewhat similar to Boys over Flowers and I watched around 8 episodes, but stopped midway. Why? Geu-nyang. Haha!

Then there's Descendants of the Sun. I didn't finish watching it though. Spoilers were everywhere in Facebook and other social media sites, and it sort of blew me off. But definitely the kilig part was there every time I see it.
I stopped checking the latest dramas around May and got back after randomly seeing a trailer of Doctors Crush. To be honest I prefer the latter over Descendants of the Sun. I don't know if I'm biased because I adore the Park Shin Hye and Kim Rae Won pairing, or because I didn't finish DOS. Then again.. I was more interested in the second lead couple.

After Doctors Crush came Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo. It's still ongoing and I wait for the raws and English subtitles every week. The waiting part is annoying. I normally start watching a drama once its completed but I'm too hooked and excited to watch the next episode. I don't even bother waiting for the English subtitles. They tend to cut scenes in the Eng sub version. I honestly don't know why they even do that. They keep cutting the good parts too! They removed a major development scene in episode 8! Ugh. How dare you. Had I not watched the raws, I wouldn't know about it. Don't do the same for Episode 10, 11, and the rest! Chebal.

Another for the historical genre is Love in the Moonlight. There's only one reason why I love it. Park Bogum. *Insert fangirl-ing moment* I mean.. just look at him! Be still, my heart. lol

I'm just waiting for Hwarang: The Beginning and my 2016 will be complete. ♥

18 September 2016

I was checking my old posts and I can't help but ask "The eff did I share... I wrote this?!" Haha! There goes my trip down memory lane. And the content is pretty much repetitive. Looking back, I just type whatever comes to mind lol. Well it is a personal blog after all. But I'm definitely hiding the somewhat embarrassing posts or memories I want buried. I wonder why my 18-year old self even posted it. *insert face palm meme*
05 August 2016

Often there are days I can't help but feel down, realizing how little and behind I've become. I ask myself, "Where did all my confidence go?"
13 July 2016
Enjoy the ride

I recently started pursuing my goals in life. I admit there are some challenges especially now that I'm in the initial stage of it. I know the starting point is confusing but that's what keeps me going. I feel nervous and excited at the same time and that's the feeling I was looking for. I knew I should have started earlier but I'm glad I had the courage to come out of my comfort zone. It's now or never.
02 July 2016

Nowadays I'm having a hard time keeping myself busy. Going out is an option but there aren't many places to go to other than malls. I also hate my bad habit of impulsive buying so I avoid shopping. Occasionally I watch movies in cinemas with friends or family but now I'd rather stay at home and watch dramas or series online. It's too bad most of it are either still ongoing or yet to air in television. I wonder what kept me occupied before. Hmm... reading might help.
30 June 2016

After over 2 months, I finally received a job offer from a company under the industry I was targeting. I was about to lose hope and return to the initial industry I was part of, but thank goodness I persevered. I am so thankful and so happy after receiving the invitation. The discussion will be held next week but I'm worried about the possible factors that will negatively affect my decision in accepting their offer. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome. Wish me luck!
26 June 2016
Korean Drama: Doctors

07 June 2016
Unemployed: The struggle

Hello readers (if there's any lol). You have no idea how frustrated I am right now. Being at home and not doing anything productive is uncomfortable. Remind me why I quit my previous job again? Oh right. To venture a different industry. *Sigh* I should have stayed and went behind their back applying for a new job. lol
23 April 2016
Unemployed: Week 1
16 April 2016
I quit my job.

It was a hard decision but I know I did the right thing. Some were perplexed and shocked why I left the company without another job waiting for me. I know it's not the best course of action but weighing my options, it had to be done. I don't want to be filled with "what if" thoughts in the coming years so I'm taking my chances pursuing what I really want. There is nothing wrong with my working environment. I had a wonderful boss, friendly teammates, good pay, and vast opportunities in the company. A lot of people would love to be in my shoes, yet I still left. So what made me quit? I'll be honest and say I was sick and tired of what I was doing. Not a very good reason because just like any other job, work is routinary for most companies. But I realized if I'm going to do something repetitive, might as well venture in an industry that is closest to my goal and passion. So why didn't I just start in that industry in the first place? Plans change. Over the years, we will realize things we weren't considering before. The company I worked for was my first choice and saw myself working in a long period of time. It's amazing what can happen in a year. You never know when it'll hit you to close a door so another opens.
11 July 2015
I've been with the company for five months already and I must say.. I'm not entirely satisfied with my performance. To be honest, it has been stressful for me. My job involves a limited time to finish different reports. I don't want to use the "new hire" excuse for my inefficiency because deep down, I know I'm not cut out for a time pressured work. Well, at least not yet. To make myself feel better, I tell myself I am gradually starting to get used to it and that I am improving. Still slow, but with improvement.
My teammates are also fun to work with. I was surprised how open they can be. Completely opposite of the formal corporate environment I was expecting. It's too bad my former boss resigned. He's actually a fun person. Again, not what I was expecting. I was prepared to have a terror boss. Thankfully, I had the opposite. My new boss is also a fun person. She's like a mom to me. I told her that and I really hope she wasn't offended or anything. Sometimes, I want to slap myself with all the random things I say to people. As for my colleagues, they're too funny. I don't know how they do it but they're just naturally funny. Or maybe it's because I easily laugh at random jokes. Most of the time I laugh for no reason. And that's a sign that something's wrong with me. lol
Truthfully, I'm not the sociable type. I only know people near my workstation and I hardly talk to anyone other than my teammates. I was told by my boss to try to get to know other employees because it will be beneficial to my work especially when I need to ask questions about a subject I do not know. I try.. okay maybe I don't try that much because let's face it. I'm not good at getting to know others because I feel like I'm forcing myself. Right now I just want to go with the flow in meeting them. I don't really know how to approach people. But in time, I know we will be closely working together and be able to get to know each other better. Maybe not now, but sooner or later, we will. Hopefully.
17 November 2014

I was planning on travelling before I enter the workforce but I realized I'm already on vacation mode. The academic term hasn't ended but I'm not really doing anything. Well, if you count eating, sleeping, and shopping as "doing something" then I guess I'm not entirely idle. I want to go out. Take a hike, go to the beach, do a roadtrip, anything! Unfortunately, it won't be as fun if I'll be alone in doing all that. Most of my friends are rather busy with their own thing while I'm here... doing my own thing. And by "my own thing," it's blogging (for now) or writing whatever I'm thinking to keep myself busy. Oh joy. It's like writing another term paper except it's about my life. But I gotta admit, I do find a teeny bit of happiness from it. I guess.
I know now is the time for me to be doing whatever I want because seriously, I won't be expecting several day offs once I start working.
19 October 2014

Some of my friends have graduated and now working so it's tough planning an out of town activity. We meet up once in a while for lunch or dinner but it rarely happens nowadays. Now that I think about it, I miss the good (and the bad) old days with them. It feels like it was only yesterday we were sharing stories and jokes, teasing one another, doing group works, having petty fights, celebrating birthdays together, going to places, watching a basketball game, partying, and having a great time. For a moment... I saw a flashback of the things that happened. The last four years had been great. I can't help but laugh at my old self especially when I see the pictures. Sometimes I can't help but think, "Aaah... I miss them." Mind you. It's rare for me to genuinely miss someone, let alone a group of people. Of course other than them, I met people who I also came to be friends with during my stay in the university. I joined a school organization and to me, it felt like another family. I always hope to keep in touch with the people I became close with because if it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't appreciate college.
28 June 2014

Right now I'm planning for the things I will do after graduation. It definitely includes travelling. Preferably out of the country, but within the Philippines is okay too. With busy parents and messed up class schedule, there isn't enough opportunity to explore my home country.
Sometimes I want to hurry and graduate. But I keep reminding myself that life isn't a race. I should take it slow. One step at a time.